Thursday, December 01, 2005


Syria Overcomes First ObstacleAsharq Alawsat
Give Detlev Mehlis six more months
By Michael Young
The bane of high tragedy is that it frequently descends into low comedy. On Monday, viewers of Syrian television were treated to the Baathist equivalent of "Animal House," as one Houssam Taher Houssam, an alleged Syrian intelligence agent, claimed he had been alternatively beaten by Lebanese security forces and offered mouth-watering bribes by the Hariri camp.
Analysis: Syrian currency affected by U.N. probe
Iraq describes border with Syria as 'source of evil'
Compiled by Daily Star Staff
The Iraqi defense minister described his country's border with Syria as a "source of evil," as U.S. President George W. Bush refused Wednesday to set a pullout timetable for Iraq and said his goal was "complete victory." On another front, police in Belgium and France arrested 15 people Wednesday in a roundup of suspected Islamist militants.
UN tells Mehlis to stand by for another extension
By Majdoline Hatoum
Detlev Mehlis, the German magistrate in charge of the UN-directed investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri has been told to stand by for an extension of his mission, it was revealed Wednesday.
Mehlis commission scoffs at Syrian televised witness, expects probe to continue
By Rami G. Khouri
The view from within the United Nations-mandated international investigation into the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is that the work will need considerably more time to be completed after they report to the UN Security Council around December 15, and that the probe has not been undermined by the testimony in a televised.
Syrian influence reflects its true standing on 1636
By Philip Abi akl
Relations between Lebanon and Syria have seen some improvement of late, evidenced in particular by the letter from Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otari to his Lebanese counterpart, Fouad Siniora, in which he announced Syria's approval of demarcating the borders.


WASHINGTON, 30/11(AFP)(BYE)--- ABD Savunma Bakanı
Donald Rumsfeld dün yaptığı açıklamada, İran ve Suriye'yi
bir kez daha, Irak'ta ABD için "büyük bir destek olmamakla"
ABD Başkanı George Bush'un Irak konusunda yapacağı
konuşmadan bir gün önce düzenlediği basın toplantısında
Rumsfeld, "İran ve Suriye, büyük bir destek olmamayı
sürdürüyorlar" dedi.
ABD aylardır, Tahran ve Şam'ı, Irak ile olan
sınırlarında silah kaçakçılığına ve yabancı savaşçıların
sızmasına göz yummakla suçladı. (ESE/AHÇ/ALİ)


KUDÜS, 30/11(AFP)(BYE)--- İsrail Başbakanı Ariel
Şaron'un yeni partisi Kadima'nın, bağımsız ve
silahsızlandırılmış bir Filistin devletinin
kurulmasından yana olduğunu açık bir şekilde ifade
etmesi, İşçi Partisi bünyesinde kopmalara yol açıyor.
İsrail Devlet Televizyonuna göre, İşçi
Partisi'nin eski yöneticisi Şimon Perez yeni partiye
katılma kararı aldı.
Ancak, İsrail Radyosuna göre ise, Perez'in, Şaron'un
partisine resmen katılmadan "dışarıdan" destekleme kararını
bildirmesi gerekecek.
Adalet Bakanı Tzipi Livni tarafından açıklanan 28 Mart
seçimleriyle ilgili Kadima Partisi'nin programı, "terörizme
teslim olmayan silahsızlanmış bir Filistin devletinin"
kurulmasını öngörüyor. (AHÇ/ESE/ALİ)

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